Private Pilot Cerificate
General Requirements
Applicant must be at least 16 years old to solo, 17 to earn license
Be able to read, speak, and understand English
Pass a written, multiple choice exam, with at least a score of 70%
Receive an FAA Medical from an Aviation Medical Examiner
Training Requirements
A minimum of 40 flight hours
At least 20 hours of dual instruction
At least 10 hours of solo flight time
A minimum of 8 hours of cross country time (3 dual, 5 solo)
At least 3 hours dual night flight with at least 10 takeoffs and landings
Limitations & Privileges
A private pilot may not carry passengers or property for compensation or hire
May not pay less than the pro rata share of the operating expenses of the flight
Unless for medical reasons, there are no restrictions on flying at night
Private Pilot Price Quote
Cessna 150 N11454
(The FAA requires a minimum of 40 flight hours. Quote based on 55 hours*)
Dual Instruction
30 hours at $180/hour (Airplane rental $120/hr, Instruction $60/hr)...............................................$5400.00
Solo Flight
25 hours at $120/hr........................................................................................................................$3000.00
Ground Instruction
40 hours at $60/hr..........................................................................................................................$2400.00
Unlimited simulator time for six months following date of initial solo...............................................$160.00
Books & Materials
WFS Private Pilot Kit - All Required Study Materials.......................................................................$262.20
Sales Tax................$386.23
Total Cost........................................................................................................................$11,608.43
* We do not guarantee that a student will solo in 25 hours, or receive a private pilot certificate in 55 hours. These figures are estimates of the actual costs. The cost for each individual varies with several factors including aptitude, frequency of flight training, and pre-flight preparation. Most students pay as they fly, however, financing may be available from your personal financial institution. Other financing information is available through Pilot Finance. An FAA Medical Certificate (Third Class) must be obtained. Prices vary among medical examiners, but the average cost is approximately $165. The cost for the private pilot knowledge exam (written test) is $150. The current cost for a private pilot practical exam (check ride) with a local Designated Examiner is roughly $500. This quote is based on using our Cessna 150 N11454. The cost will be higher if you fly the Cessna 172.
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